Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Prompt #23

1. I construct my identity by doing everyday tasks. I don't go through a day thinking about how to change or build my identity. I just do it. I just make decisions based on weather I believe they are right. I don't perform at all. Performing is fake. Performing is not real.

2. Society tries to tell us what to do. And sometimes, many of us, do it. There may be many reason we do it but it doesn't matter how we do it. Facebook, college party's. sex, church, etc. These are all constructed.

3. Unless we build the walls that surround us we can only work within those walls. So, we construct within those walls. Only when we start from scratch are we able to fully construct. Otherwise, we construct within what we are given.

4. Everything is real. Me typing this sentence is real. Even if one pretends to be something else, it is still real. It is still happening. I feel I could go on forever with this topic...

5. Oh man...there are lots of scenes... It would be interesting to take someone's life and photograph it from when they wake up till when they go to bed. But I can't capture every single the truth isn't all there.

6. I would construct a scene in which one female doll and one male doll are breaking up. I would like to try and create emotion in still life with objects which are not real. So, would it even be real?

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