Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Assignment 4: Final Images

Composition: I wanted the light to cover most of my face but have shadows in my eyes, underneath my nose and slightly on the cheeks.

Concept, Method & Motivation: I wanted to reveal what someone with no eyes would look like. Those lucky enough to have vision, take it for granted. What if the human race had no vision? In order to get the shadows I used an external flash and bounced it off a white ceiling. I want people who have vision to imagine a world without vision. Could you survive?

Context: I'm sure some artist somewhere has done the same thing, but I wanted to do it myself. It could be a very dark world with no vision or maybe it isn't...

Interpretation: People saw different meanings; sexual, a dark world, a dark world without vision, mysterious, and spooky.

Evaluation: I wish I wouldn't have gave a meaning for this photo. It automatically hindered peoples meaning of it. Other than that, I'm happy with the everything else.

Extension: I would so the exact same thing but with different facial expressions and give NO meaning to the photo; leave it up to the viewer. 

Composition: In this particular photo I wanted the lighting to be straight on to cover the whole face.

Concept, Method & Motivation: Honestly, I want the viewer to create their own meaning. Whether the viewer connects it to the photo above is completely up to them. If you want to know the meaning...ask me. Like the photo above, I used an external flash. However, I pointed it straight on my face. The goal is to have the viewer create their own meaning.

Context: I'm not sure if this work related to any other photographers work. However, I am addressing an issues of meaning. If the photographer gives no meaning to the photo, does it have no meaning? What if the viewer comes up with a meaning? Is it still photography?

Interpretation: Again, different interperetations; film still, being questioned, staying up very late to play video games, can take whatever I want from it or take nothing at all, pure and utter shock.

Evaluation: I might crop a little more black off and also even the lighting around the face.

Extension: Just like the first image, I would do the exact same concept with different expressions. 

Composition: I wanted very simplistic natural lighting.

Concept, Method & Motivation: I wanted to convey photography can be simple in meaning. Sometimes photographers try to make something sound deep. Well, this can lose meaning. Simplicity can go a long way. I wanted to keep the photo as simple as possible and add relating to simplicity. I wanted to make viewers think about photography and how sometimes we try to make it deeper than we need to.

Context: I suppose this might relate to minimalism photography. But this photo focus more on meanings of photography.

Interpretation: Students, for the most part agreed sometimes photographs don't have as much meaning as the photographer leads to believe. Essentially, their pulling shit out of their ass to sound "deep". Don't get me started.

Evaluation: No one commented on the vignette and I'm not sure if it is working...

Extension: I would like to take a series of simplistic photos to prove in this day and age photography doesn't have to have deep or complex meanings.

Composition: I kept lighting simple and natural to try and create this ad about this pencil.

Concept, Method & Motivation: There is nos special meaning behind this photo. I was simply trying my hand at adding text to photos. I was attempting to create an ad. I knew I wanted very shallow depth of field so I could add text where it was naturally out of focus. I wanted to try and enhance my work with photos and text. Simple as that. 

Context: This photo doesn't relate or have a special meaning. It is simply my attempt at adding text to an image to try to create an ad. Key word: try.

Interpretation: Students saw it as an advertisement...if they didn't...I may have worried.

Evaluation: I'm not a graphic designer and so the text probably isn't working. Plus, I should have included the whole pencil.

Extension: I would like to keep trying my hand at ad's and text.

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