Thursday, February 17, 2011

Recreation 3

When I was really young my father took a self-portrait of me. I was sitting in a chair and had a pose exactly what I have in the photo above. I don't remember him ever taking the photo but every time I look at it I am reminded of my childhood  I absolutely love the photo.

Composition: I wanted low contrast and lighting very similar to the original. There were very minimal items in the background and nothing which distracted from the overall photo in the original.

Concept: My image is a recreation of the original because it has very similar contrast and lighting. I am also posing  exactly the same in the chair. In the recreation all I did was get a bigger chair. I wanted to keep the simplicity of the original. This image shows a change in time by the use of the 4 images of myself. Starting from the left the opacity of each portrait gets stronger. This emphasizes I am becoming more of an adult and more human. I am becoming a better human being. The far right shows who I am now but with the comparison of who I was.

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