Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Prompts: 16-18

“Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world.” Arnold Newman 


Photography can be executed many different ways. Viewers may not see eye to eye on the same photo. We as humans look at a photo can make it what we want. The photographer may have a specific goal or intention, but how does one know if it is real? One never truly knows what a photograph reveals. Photography is acting at it's finest. 


“Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer—and often the supreme disappointment.” ~Ansel Adams 


Adams is considered one of the greatest black and white landscape photographers of all time by many professional photographers. Doing landscape photography isn't as easy as it looks. In fact, I would argue it is difficult. There are many tips, tricks and guidelines to follow. Sure, many of us can capture a beautiful place, but is it truly a GREAT photograph. Does the photograph lead the viewer around the photo and to an end? Is there good lighting and detail? Was there appropriate depth of field used? Landscape photography is picky. But I suppose it depends what ones standards are... 


“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” Berenice Abbott 


I feel this quote is rather obvious and somewhat immature. Nothing can represent the future because no situation in the world can be predicted. In fact I have no idea if this is sentence is actually going to be typed. Well, it just was and it is now part of the past. After anything is photograph it automatically becomes the past. This goes for anything in life. However, the present only exists for the quickest time can be calculated. So, is photography only representative of the past...?  

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