Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blog Prompts 11-15

11: Albee elementary is where I spent my first 5 years of school. It wasn't colorful. It was very small. The class were small. The hallways were narrow. The joys were outside on the playground. It is still standing but is no longer in use. I would go back and put myself in front of the building and capture the whole building. I would do this to show the effects of education in the last 15-20 years. I was young then. I had fun. No one will ever have fun again.

12:  First photo that came to mind was a simple one: I was very young, 7 or eight and I was on the computer. My dad has always worked on computers and has been an IT guy for quite some time. So, naturally I became interested in computers as well. It makes me feel great because without my dad's interest in computers I wouldn't know much about computers or technology. Since that time I haven't changed. I live on my computer. The place is still there. The computer has changed though. A reenactment of the photograph would reveal newer technology and an older me. I would still act the same. Much has changed, but yet so little.

13:  I would (with help) gather up a ton of garbage and then put it on a busy street. I would do this to show what will happen to this world someday when we become overridden by garbage.

14: My familiar place would consist of close-ups to strengthen familiarity and closeness. A faraway place would consist of wide shots with little detail. With a familiar place one can remember small details, but not in a faraway place. I can't imagine any place that has been touched very little by humans. However, the moon comes to mind. If I were actually ever able to go there I would photograph the smallest details. Hell, I would photograph everything possible if I were on the moon.

15:  Middle school and Michigan state university. During middle school I was extremely shy and usually kept to myself. Sure, I played sports and hung with a few friends but I definitely was not in the "cool" crowd. I would photograph myself in this school, in a classroom sitting in a chair in the distance with little to no expression. I would then photograph myself in a very similar setting at MSU but have it be a close up of myself and with a smile. I would double expose the photos to compare how I have changed.

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