Monday, May 2, 2011

Final Project Images

My main goal was to commentate on what is or isn't art. It's a topic I have been constantly asking myself. I wanted to keep these images simple and somewhat comedic. I wanted an obvious digital enhancement to help convey my idea. I wanted good contrast between the sticky note and the rest of the image.

My main inspiration was an Andy Warhol piece: Andy Warhol

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog Prompt #26

  1. Ideas sometimes grow out of irritation. What is a negative thought you are having about your project? What is the opposite of this negative thought? How could you implement a change in your project so that this negative thought will subside? A negative thought is I won't learn anything new. The opposite is I do learn something new. Try something I have never tried before.
  2. Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project? I would perfect each shot technically and aesthetically. I would make sure each shot stood on it's own but all five shots were working together.
  3. Think of one of your most memorable dreams. How could you add elements from this dreams to your project? They would be subtle but noticeable. I would make sure they were not real.
  4.  How would you convert your project into a narrative? How would you remove any narrative from your project? I would make sure it had a beginning, middle and end. I would make each photo stand out on its own but still have the same overall theme.
  5. What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project? Humor is consistent. Seriousness. Using harsher lighting, no expressions large depth of field.
  6. At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep! I like this project because I get to pick whatever I want to do. I also like it because it gives me a chance to try something new. I may fail miserably but hey, at least I tried.
  7. How would you make your project more edgy, saccharine, provocative, empty, revealing, concealing, funny, sad, mysterious, blunt, honest, disingenuous, fast, slow, playful, austere, hateful, lovable, bold, subtle, long, short, big, small, connected, disconnected? I would add elements which one would not suspect. Elements which may not be obvious at first. Elements which have more than one meaning.
  8. Persuade the reader that your project works well and is the most amazing project you have ever completed. I am stepping outside of my comfort zone and attempting something completely new. Therefore, I am giving it more care and thought. It has to be good!
  9. Remove something from your project. How does it change? I removed humor. I've now stepped back into my comfort zone.
  10. What is the “opposite” of your final project? How can you rework your project to include the “opposite”? The opposite would be a serious theme. I can still implement humor but add other subtle elements which may or may not have a deeper meaning that what stands out.

In Class Brainstorming

Rearrange 1:





Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Assignment 5: Final Images

Composition: I wanted a high contrast and an extremely sharp image with lighting focused in the center.

Concept, Method & Motivation: This image is about how boring TV really is and I wanted the lighting to focus on the expression on my face. I actually tried some new techniques in Lightroom which drastically changed the feel of the image. My motivation for this image was my very limited TV watching. I hardly ever watch TV and thought I would be someone I am not.

Context: I know I have seen work very similar to this but I don't know the specific artists. This image relates to how I feel when I have attempted to watch TV (not including movies).

Interpretation: N/A

Evaluation: N/A

Extension: I might try a series which comments on how our lives are run by other forms of media.

Composition: I cropped this image quite a bit to add some perspective.

Concept, Method & Motivation: I don't think my image is about anything specific. Though, one could argue its meaning. This was a much larger image with much more info before I cropped it. My goal was to take a normal looking image and then cut out a huge portion of it. If one takes a portion out is it still reality? Was it even reality to begin with?

Context: I've never seen any artists take photos and then crop the hell out of them. I'm reconstructing reality for a new perspective.

Interpretation: N/A

Evaluation: N/A

Extension: I would love to do a much larger series but with a much deeper meaning.

Composition: Same as the above image.

Concept, Method & Motivation: Again, this image about manipulating a normal looking image to distort reality and the perspective of this so called reality. Part of my motivation was to make the viewer guess as to where or if this is real. Is it still real if I take almost all of the information out?

Context: Same as above.

Interpretation: N/A

Evaluation: N/A

Extension: I would love to do a much larger series but with a much deeper meaning.

Composition: Same as the above images.

Concept, Method & Motivation: Same as above.

Context: Same as above.

Interpretation: N/A

Evaluation: N/A

Extension: I would love to do a much larger series but with a much deeper meaning.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blog Prompt #25

This blog prompt is a perfect example as to why I would never become a curator.

For this assignment there are an ungodly amount of entries and it is unfair to the photographers who's work I will not get to simply because it would take too much time. How can I be a good curator when it would take me hours to go through all the work? If one enters work into a contest it should at least have a chance. I know I would want a chance.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

3D Model Test

This is the worst Photoshop job ever. It is however the best commercial or ad Applebee's has ever put out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Engagement Session/Looking For a Nice Photo Session

This was a very quick shoot. 35 minutes to be exact. Unfortunately, the future bride just had surgery and was not 100% yet. On top of that, it was very cold.

Although they were not picky, I tried to get a variety of shots in the short time frame. There are many mistakes! Lighting being one of them.

Another learning experience! I'm glad I was given the opportunity! :)